
On Friday, February 28, 2025, the elections of WTMUGA Women’s Branch were held at the headquarters of the Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association.

All 56 votes cast in the election, which was held with the participation of 56 female members, were considered valid.

The chairman of the Board of Elections was Gkioulai KOROGLOU, and the secretaries were Ntilek ACHMET and Selma KAMPOUR.

After Simpel AMPTOULLACH CHASAN, the head of the Women’s Branch, made the opening speech, Secretary General Sabicha ARIF presented the activity report and cashier Doga KASAP presented the cost report.

The task distribution at the meeting held on the same day is as follows:

Chairman: Sevtap CHINT (45 votes)

Vice-Chairman: Mpousra MPOULMPOUL (18 votes)

General Secretary: Doga KASAP (37 votes)

Cashier: Sampicha ARIF (23 votes)

Travel Branch Manager: Zouleicha ACHMET (17 votes)

Member: Zeinep CHALILIMPRACHIM (21 votes)

Member: Zeinep KARACHOTZA (18 votes)

Member: Nese ACHMET (17 votes)

Member: Chedef MOUSTAFAOGLOU (16 votes)

Substitute Member: Nesrin IMAM (13 votes)

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